Newtown Public Schools promote positive teaching and learning environments where students and adults feel socially, emotionally, intellectually, and physically safe. We believe each and every school community member should be treated with dignity and have the opportunity to learn, work, interact, and socialize in a safe, respectful and positive school environment. A safe and healthy school climate is free from threat, harassment, and any type of bullying behavior.
For more information, see our District Safe School Climate Plan and Board of Education policies on Safe School Climate and Bullying Prevention. Yo can also find suggestions on how to report mean behavior, including anonymous reporting options.
If you have questions, please contact your school's Safe School Climate Specialist.
School | Contact Person |
Hawley School | Carla Tischio, Lead Teacher |
Head O'Meadow School | Karen Dreger, Lead Teacher |
Middle Gate School | John Sullivan, Lead Teacher |
Sandy Hook School | Kelly MacLaren, Lead Teacher |
Reed Intermediate School | Jenna Connors, Assistant Principal |
Newtown Middle School | Brian Walsh, Assistant Principal |
Newtown High School | Paul Ribeiro, Assistant Principal |
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